How Long Does Probate Take in Georgia?

How Long Does Probate Take in Georgia?

Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person’s assets are distributed. Before you go through the process of probate for your loved one’s estate in Georgia, it helps to understand what’s involved and the general timeline. How long does probate take?...

What is Your New School Year Resolution?

Back to school season can be a bittersweet time — on the one hand, it’s so hectic, it can seem impossible to fit anything else in. On the other, you finally have the kids back in school, returning to after school activities, and you regain a few pockets of time...
What Are the Phases of Probate?

What Are the Phases of Probate?

The probate process may seem unclear to many individuals after the death of their loved one.  Unless someone is experienced in probate law, it may be confusing and a little intimidating to face the legal system in handling their loved one’s estate.  However, the...