
Whatever your initial reaction to pet estate planning, we know that you adore your pet. In fact, statistics show that you feel even more strongly than that. In a recent poll, 9 out of 10 people said that their pet was considered a member of the family. But, have you considered what will happen to your pet after you’re gone?

Take a look at the graphic we created this week about pet estate planning. It provides a quick resource about your three big options when it comes to your furry friend.

Option 1: Do nothing, trust that your family or friends will know what to do when you’re gone.

Option 2: Put your pet in your will (of course, you can’t leave your pet anything, but you can provide some instructions on how you want your pet to be cared for). These instructions are non-binding, but they communicate your wishes to your heirs.

Option 3: Create a pet trust. A pet trust is a legally binding document that allows you to specify who should care for your pet, detail how you want your pet cared for, and provide the funds to support your pet’s needs.

Take a look! If you have questions about providing for your pet when you are no longer able to do so, give Brian M. Douglas & Associates a call at 770-933-9009.

